In about 2 weeks from today, Jisan Rock Valley Festival
is taking place in Jisan, Gyeonggido. I can't wait since my friends and already reserved the tickets to the festival a while ago. Even the final lineup and the time table has been released. Incubus, Jimmy Eat World, 10cm, Jang Ki Ha are coming to town and puting on a show. I am especially excited to have found out that Incubus is playing a full 60 mins. Yes, you heard me right, sir & ma'am.
I can't say I have always been a fan of Rock and Roll. Someone recently asked me who my favorite music artist was. I could not give her an answer since I really don't have one. Well, there is Korean one; Seo Taiji. But assuming that she does not know who that guy was, I did not tell her of course. But when it comes to foreign artists, there really isn't one. Since the first time I heard so called pop music, I have always dabbled in different genres of music. Pop, rock, disco, country, electric, hip-hop and so forth.
But this time I am really amped up because of Incubus. When I was in the military (it was from 01 to 03), my coworker Gonzales and I used to hang out a lot. And he always would put on their CD and hummed to or sang the songs along. The band was very edgy, catchy and rhythmical and I began to like them instantaneously. I think he even gave me the CD, but I don't know where it is now..or was it a Linkin Park? Next time I go to my folk's house, I should look for it.
Also, one of the ex-girlfriends of mine really like Incubus and Brendan Boyd. According to her, the guy was literally every teen girl's McDreamy or hearttrhob when they came out in early 2000. After all, it wasn't just her, but some other American girls that I know of admitted their love for him when they were young. Oh.. rock stars
Anyhow, I've shamefully downloaded their latest album and oldies and goodies on to my mp3 player and been listening to them as time allows. It is still catchy and edgy.
2 weeks from now.. It is going to be so awesome. This is going to make my humdrum summer tad more exciting.