The key to successful workout is to train hard, eat hard and rest hard. It is succinct like that.
Speaking of training, I do not believe I need to elaborate. About 90 mins to 120 mins would be ideal and this encompasses a warmup. Whatever routines you stick to, that is fine. Well, not really. You can always consult the trainer at your gym and get some professional help. You need someone who would spot you from time to time and motivate you. This does not require so-called workout buddies. I would rather find them unwarranted because it is highly likely that you not only get some assistant from them but also distract both yourself and them a lot. This will eventually and unnecessarily lengthen your workout time than it needs to be.
In terms of food, well. this is probably the trickiest part. To begin with, I believe that everyone has his or her own physical constitution. Depending on it, the body metabolism works uniquely and thus the result from eating certain food is individually different from one another. Regardless, eat hard. Good food, in particular. Highly protein-contained food such as chicken breast, tuna, fish, beef and so forth would be ideal, but you find whatever you can near you and consume it. Carb up for since it is the fuel with which you will mobilize at the gym. But just make sure consume less sugar and salt than you need. Also, avoid eating at night or drinking alcohol. Last but not least, do not be oversensitive about what you eat. If you feel like you ate last night, work out a bit more. Walk to work. Walk at lunch. Start up and down the steps at work. Sweat it off next day.
Finally, resting. Many people, even myself, feel like skipping workout one day would cost a considerable amount of muscle and makes you anxious and nervous. Not necessarily true. According to research, it takes at least 10 days for a body to lose muscles. So, unless you are under the setting (overseas.. hospitalization and whatnot) where you can't literally work out, you will be fine. Also, ensure to take at least a day off every week. Take a sabbath otherwise your body will end up malfunctioning because your body needs time to recuperate from all the hard work, stress and what not.
According to some workout books or exercise gurus, workout takes only 20 percent with food 50 percent and rest 30 percent of what is necessary to optimize your workout and get the best result. Hence, try to juggle them all whilst don't get stressed out too much. After all, your body can not mushroom indefinitely. There are always limits to how much your body can grow.
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