If you are new to Suwon and looking for voulunteering, please email me!

As you can see, I have uploaded the post volunteering reports after weekly activities. However, what you see is only the tip of the iceberg. About 10 volunteers have become really close friends, work at the same place, share different hobbies, fun and dedicate themselves to the cause and this is not seen online.

Don't just leave should you look for some volunteering action in the city of Suwon. Get involved. Reach out.

Thank you.


New Year's Resolution 2012

This year, there is no such a thing as New Year's Resolution. Why? That I don't know. It is probably because I really haven't had an opportunity to ponder upon it at the end of the last year or on the onset of this year. But, what is certain is that I really don't like anything set in stone for now.

Last week was such a turmoil. I am back at my old job. And it was a series of awakenings.

First, I came to the realization that I really love my job where I work with dedicated, smart and funny coworkers. Grant it, my team has a lot of workload and they are one of the things that get me through everyday. Now that I was away from these people for a whole year last year, I feel very lucky to work with them. Although there is going to be a reshuffling  at work, I will enjoy to the last minute.

Secondly, I think I have become more flexible and more mature to some respects. This has to do my work of course. As much as I don't relish office politics, somehow I have manged to give into it. Of course, I am not a suck-up. I don't just say things that I don't mean. Also, when necessary, I just say things in lieu of suppressing it.

But then again, there is a fine line between being a straight shooter/asshole and a borderline kiss-ass. Just sugarcoat facts a little. Make them sound tad saccharine. So that it would sound sweat to someone's ear. It works. This, however, bring me a question; am I changing? Am I losing my identity? Maybe or maybe not-

In the long term, I would like to say that I am evolving. I'd like to think of it as opting for different options and deciding which way you are going to turn out down the road. As "evolution theory" states, the better ones will survive. The, here "better" means, put in the context of work environments, someone more flexible, someone, and yet principled, someone who is likeable and yet someone hardworking. I am a staunch supporter of the theory that the world is better not only because of hardworking people, but also because of handful of genius spawning off the groundbreaking ideas and that changes the world.

In retrospect, I think the year 2012 is going to be a change for me to look back at my life, gather my thought and finally present myself a certain set of my own philosophies. So far, it is going well. But, I need more challenges.. or obstacles.